Imagine you have a toy store, and you want to buy new toys to sell to your friends. You have some money saved up, and you decide to invest that money in buying more toys for your store. This investment is called a "non-marginal investment."
Now, let's say instead of buying new toys, you decide to use your money to buy some candy to eat for yourself. Since this investment is not directly related to your toy store business, it would be considered a "marginal investment."
In the context of the E-2 treaty investor visa, non-marginal investment means that the money you invest should be used to improve and grow your business. It should not be used just to make money for yourself or for personal expenses like buying candy.
The purpose of the E-2 visa is to encourage people to invest in the United States and create jobs for the local economy. So, when you make a non-marginal investment, it means you are using your money to make your business bigger and better, which can help create more opportunities for people to work and benefit the community.
By making a non-marginal investment, you show that you are serious about running a successful business and contributing to the country's economy. It's like investing in your toy store to make it even more awesome and inviting for your friends to visit and buy toys from you!
Remember, a non-marginal investment is all about using your money to grow and improve your business, rather than just spending it on personal things.