NOTE: This blog post is over one year old. Information may be out of date.
USCIS Office Closures
USCIS field offices, asylum offices, and Application Support Centers will now remain closed until at least May 3, 2020. Emergency appointments are still available in very limited circumstances. Those who need to schedule an emergency appointment should do so through the USCIS Contact Center.
USCIS Flexibility for RFEs and NOIDs
US Citizenship & Immigration Services has granted an additional 60 days for applicants and petitioners responding to Requests for Evidence (RFEs) and Notices of Intent to Deny (NOIDs) dated between March 1 and May 1, 2020. The agency announced this morning that they will consider any response submitted within 60 calendar days after the deadline set forth in the RFE or NOID before any action is taken. Please note that this flexibility only applies to RFEs and NOIDs dated between 3/1/20 and 5/1/20, and so far does not impact those with a deadline between the aforementioned dates. The relevant date is generally listed in the top left corner of the first page of the RFE or NOID.
Office Operations
Please continue to check our COVID-19 Database for updates on office operations. As of now, we are closed to foot traffic until at least April 14, 2020 to comply with Governor Lee’s ‘Safer-at-Home’ order. Realistically, this date will likely be pushed again at some point in the coming weeks. At this time, you can still contact us via phone during our normal business hours of 9AM - 5PM, Monday - Friday. Due to the current uncertainty, however, the best way to reach us is by emailing us directly: email Michael | email Tessa | email Natalie | email billing. You may also schedule a phone or video consultation through our online scheduling system.
Resource Guides
We are continuously updating our Resources for Musicians, Resources for Tennesseans, and General Resources blog post with information about financial assistance programs, COVID-19 testing sites, and other programs throughout the country offering relief for those who need it. If you need additional aid or resource referrals, please email Tessa and we will do our best to guide you in the right direction.