COVID-19 Resources for Musicians

March 23, 2020
NOTE: This blog post is over one year old. Information may be out of date.

Financial Assistance

MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund | MusiCares Foundation has expanded its services, offering relief to musicians who have lost income due to the cancellation of scheduled gigs or performances due to COVID-19.  Music industry professionals may apply for basic living assistance with initial grant requests up to $1000.

Sweet Relief COVID-19 Fund | Sweet Relief Musicians Fund has opened a donation-based fund for musicians and industry workers medically affected by the coronavirus. Applicants must make at least 50% of their income from working within the music community.

AGMA Relief Fund | The American Guild of Musical Artists has temporarily doubled the amount of assistance available to those in need during the coronavirus pandemic. Any AGMA member in good standing is encouraged to apply for financial assistance through the fund.

Bluegrass Trust Fund | IBMA offers emergency financial assistance to professionals in the business of bluegrass. Grants generally range from $500 to $5000, and applicants must demonstrate a financial emergency or circumstance involving dire need.

Local Resources

Grand Ole Opry Trust Fund | The Opry Trust Fund has distributed over $2 million in financial assistance since its inception in 1965 and is open to individuals who are or have been employed in a facet of the country music industry.

Nashville Musicians AFM Local 257 | Members of the Nashville Musicians Union have access to is Local 257 Emergency Relief Fund, as well as access to group health insurance through Sound Healthcare.

Nashville Response Fund | Index of local resources offering assistance to Middle TN residents experiencing financial hardship due to coronavirus.

NeedLink Nashville | NeedLink provides emergency financial assistance to Davidson County residents and Nashville Electric Service customers. The organization also continues to offer financial assistance to those impacted by the February tornadoes.

Other Resource Indexes

American Federation of Musicians | AFM has created a resources page providing information about unemployment, union operations, and emergency actions. In addition, disabled AFM members may apply for assistance via the Petrillo Memorial Fund.

International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA has put together an incredibly comprehensive list of resources and information for the bluegrass community, including an online concert calendar, alternative revenue referrals, and healthcare info.  

Billboard | Billboard is maintaining a regularly-updated list of state-by-state resources for music industry professionals. Nashville-based resources are shared above.


Unemployment benefits are not subject to public charge consideration. Green card holders who meet the requirements for unemployment benefits can and should file a claim. If you are a non-immigrant visa holder, please schedule a phone consultation and speak with Michael prior to filing.

Private charity is not subject to public charge consideration. Regardless of immigration status, private charitable programs—such as food banks, shelters, and crisis counseling—are safe for any eligible person to access.

Please contact Tessa if you have information to share on this page.

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